Books, Researches & Publications

Golf Injury Research & Publications

Leading Wrist Injuries In A Golfing Population

Golf participation has increased significantly over the past 50 years. Injury rates have mirrored this increase with amateur and elite golfers suffering a similar injury incidence to rugby players. The upper limb is the second most common anatomical site of injury in this population. Wrist injury and specifically the ulnar side of the leading wrist is the most prevalent. Leading wrist injuries affect the tendons, fibrocartilage, bones and neural structures that are located on the ulnar side of the wrist and hand as well as the soft tissue aponeurosis and bony and ligamentous canals that traverse the wrist joint. The most commonly injured lateral wrist structure is the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris tendon. Click here to download and read the full publication.

ECU Tendon Injury In AN Elite Golfer  – Journal Of Sports Medicine And Orthopedics Advances

This case describes an elite golfer who developed medical wrist pain in his leading hand. His conditions have been proved by his volume golf practice, a discrete episode of injury and a change in his golf technique. Click here to download and read the full case publication.

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tendon Injuries In Golfers

Golf participation has increased significantly over the past 50 years. Injury rates have mirrored this increase with amateur and elite golfers suffering a similar injury incidence to rugby players. The upper limb is the second most common anatomical site of injury in this population. Wrist injury and specifically the ulnar side of the leading wrist is the most prevalent. The extensor carpi ulnaris tendon is regularly injured. Click here to download and read the full publication.

Books & Other Writings

A Case Of Non-Disc, Non-Piriformis Syndrome Sciatica

A 40-year-old runner developed buttock pain, with radiating symptoms down his right leg. The pain was exacerbated by exercise. Click here to download and read the full publication.

Drugs, Sport And The Young Adult

For 3 Millennia athletes and young adults have experimented with performance-enhancing agents and drugs. Throughout time the abusers have denied the practice, endeavoured to evade detection and hidden behind the veracity, or lack of, in the rules and laws governing sport. Please click here to contact us if you wish to purchase this book.

MCQs In Sports Medicine

The author is well known within the field and is one of the few specialists with American as well as British qualifications in sports medicine. He is also as an examiner on the Irish College of Surgeons diploma in sports medicine course. Please click here to contact us if you wish to purchase this book.

Other Books & Writings

  • Peripheral Nerve Injuries, Published by Eireann Healthcare Publications
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Published by Primary ABC, 2007
  • The Fitfone Book of Wellness
  • The Little Green Book of Golf Secrets

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dr conor obrien

Doctor Conor O’Brien